Entry Levels

Root Level

The ROOT level is designed for dancers with limited competition experience and/or dancers who take no more than 3 hours of combined classes/rehearsals per week.  While it is not mandatory that you enter the ROOT level if you take 3 or fewer hours per week, it is recommended, especially for newcomers to competition dancing.  Please note, that this is only a guideline and we leave the final decision to the studio's discretion.

Sprout Level

The SPROUT level is designed for dancers with moderate competition experience and/or dancers who take a total of 4 - 6 hours of combined classes/rehearsals per week.  While it is not mandatory that you enter the SPROUT level if you take 4 - 6 hours per week, it is recommended.  Please note, that this is only a guideline and we leave the final decision to the studio's discretion.

Bloom Level

The BLOOM level is designed for dancers who display a higher level of technical abilities and skill and/or have significant competition experience.  BLOOM level dancers generally take a total of 7 or more hours of combined classes/rehearsals per week. Please note, that this is only a guideline and we leave the final decision to the studio's discretion.

Please Note:

The information provided regarding experience levels is only meant as a guideline.  The decision is made at the discretion of each studio owner based on these guidelines.   Please be sure to reevaluate and update your dancers' experience levels prior to registration for a new season.

All  Duo/Trio, Group, or Production routines will be placed in the experience level of the majority of the dancers, defaulting to the highest possible experience level in the instance of equal placement.

​*Please keep in mind, that no competition can concretely know how many hours a week a student is in the studio or how much competition experience a student has.  We trust that studio directors will use sound judgment when entering levels for dancers.   Dancers that are obviously under-placed can be moved up an experience level by our judges.  If this occurs, you will be notified by your Competition Director.

General Categories:

SOLO: 1 Dancer

DUET:  2 Dancers

TRIO :  3 Dancers

SMALL GROUP:  4 - 9 Dancers

LARGE GROUP:  10 - 19 Dancers

PRODUCTION:  20 or More Dancers